Is having a favourite child really a bad thing?
Although it may be uncomfortable to admit, many parents play favourites among their children. Is that ‘bad’ parenting?
こちらはサブタイトルです。play favouritesはイディオムで「えこひいきをする、特別扱いする」という意味です。
“Not every parent has a favourite child, but many do,” says Jessica Griffin, an associate professor of psychiatry and paediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, US. “Data suggests that mothers, in particular, show favouritism to children who have similar values to them and that engage more with family, over qualities such as being highly ambitious or career driven.”
最初の文のNot everyは部分否定です。「すべての親にお気に入りの子どもがいるというわけではないが、多くの親にいる」という意味です。「データによると、特に母親は大きな野心があるもしくは仕事の成功を追い求めているといった特性よりも自分と同じ価値観を持っていたり家族により関わっている子どもにえこひいきを示す」そうです。
Children who grow up in families where they feel that they are treated unfairly may experience a deep sense of unworthiness, … Feeling like the black sheep of the family can lead to fears and insecurities…
面白い表現がありますね。black sheepです。何となくニュスアンスはわかるのではないでしょうか。Longman Learner’s Dictionaryによると”a person who is different from the rest of their family or another group, and who is considered bad or embarrassing“と定義されています。一言でいうと「のけ者」「厄介者」「変わり者」等になります。
In fact, in most cases children might not even know that their parents prefer their sibling in the first place.
“Children might assume that the first-born or the ‘baby’ of the family is the favourite, or the child who is an overachiever in the family and causes less parenting stress. Whereas in actuality, the parent might have different and varied reasons for the favouritism – such as favouring the child who struggles the most, or the child that is most similar to them.”
Griffin argues that it’s perfectly OK – and even expected – for parents to have favourites, and that parents shouldn’t feel guilty if they find themselves feeling closer to one child over another. She says that although children who believe they are the least-favoured child tend to have lower self-esteem and higher rates of depression, in the majority of cases, children have no idea which sibling their parent or parents prefer.
Perhaps who the favourite child really is isn’t so important after all.
“The important thing to remember is that having a favourite child does not mean that you love your other children less.”